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Mar 28

5th Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things

28 mars 2022 - 30 mars 2022

Welcome from the Chairs of CIoT 2022

It is with great pleasure to welcome you to The 5th edition of Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things 2022 (CIoT’22) will be held from March 28 to 30, 2022 in Marrakech, Morocco as a hybrid conference.

CIoT provides a high-quality international academic and industrial exchange forum for experts and scholars in the field of intelligent systems, cloud computing and Internet of Things.

The conference will be designed and prepared as a in person event. However, in the case of perduring traveling restrictions (official or de facto) during the conference dates due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be ready to convert the conference to a fully on-line event.
We hope the conditions will allow for in-person participation, so we can enjoy face-to-face discussions and coffee breaks again. It would also give the opportunity to participants to visit the beautiful city of Marrakech.

CIoT’22 is a conference focusing on the challenges of managing Internet of Things applications while considering the whole end-to-end architecture over the sixth generation of mobile networks (6G) and next-generation data center networking from to cloud to the edge and IoT devices. The next generation of telecommunication networks is expected to support a growing number of smart terminals, such as cell phones, sensors and other connected objects, to provide real-time applications and to provide intelligence and trust embedded in network infrastructure. To meet these requirements, the 6G envisions the use of artificial intelligence, cloud and edge computing. The 6G network will absorb the billions of flows generated by things while considering the requested QoS and the cohabitation of M2M, M2H and H2M flows. Then, the flows will be processed in data centers and applications will exploit the extracted knowledge.

The main objective of CIoT’22 is to address challenges of clouds and IoT systems from the sensors/machines to the end-users attached to the Cloud while considering the 6G network connecting both IoT and Cloud domains.

We are honored to organize CIoT 2022 in Marrakech, Morocco and we are looking forward to your contributions to the continued success of the conference!

General Chairs:
Mohamed Lahby (Hassan II Univ. of Casablanca, Morocco)
Nidal Nasser (Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia)


TPC Chairs:
Lei Shu (Nanjing Agricultural University, China)
Thierry Coupaye (Orange Labs, France)
Rachid Saadane (Hassania School of Public Works, Morocco)
Sérgio D. Correia (Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal)


Début :
28 mars 2022
Fin :
30 mars 2022
Catégorie d’Évènement:
Site :


Marrakech, 40000 Morocco + Google Map